Monday, April 6, 2009

New York - Day 2

Today we got up at 7:00am got ready and headed off to the Natural History Museum. It only opened at 9:00am so we killed some time by walking into Central Park. The Museum was very interesting and we spent about 2 hours there.
We then went through Central Park again to get to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Interesting and if you are an art lover, you would be in your element!!
We then took the subway downtown to Wall Street and as we got off the tube we found out that there was a pillow fight taking place outside the New York Stock Exchange. Apparently this was happening world wide at 3:00pm. It was rather funny seeing all these people have a pillow fight and there were feathers flying all over!!
We then caught the subway uptown, looked around Macey’s,then walked up Broadway to Times Square and then up 7th Avenue back to our hotel, totally exhausted. I fell asleep at 6:30pm, but woke up again at 3:00am!!!
Knowledgeable signing out …….

1 comment:

Desire Fourie said...

Oh wow, Wall Street must have been a major experience in its own. You are taking beautiful pics. Now, I always thought there were something wrong with some American citizens ... now the pillow fights have just proved it. Enjoy .... Hugs from Desire