Monday, April 6, 2009


You thought we had potholes !!! The NYC streets are riddled with them
Maybe Mike Sutcliffe is trying to make Durban like NY !!
Also very poor drainage with puddles everywhere after the rain

Jumping puddles signing off ...


Desire Fourie said...

Well, all I can say is, that the grass is not necessarily greener on the other side. Hugs from Desire

Unknown said...

Hey guys
Carry on enjoying your trip. Sounds like you're having a great time. I'm very jealous, at the moment sitting in a hotel room in JHB (enjoying New York New York)
Oh and I like the 'slagate' story, but don't let Mike know.
Oh and Dereck took the red mobile for a spin, what a beast. Don't worry drove very very carefully. Tyla and Wayde nagged and nagged so took them each for a trip round the block and then straight back to park ferme.
We wont go into the recent events of F1.

Take care guys and enjoy