Saturday, April 11, 2009

Snow & Furry Friends

This is what Peter and Liz's garden looked like when they awoke on the Sunday 5 April, before we arrived!! The bottom two pictures are what we saw and the only thing left of the snow was three blobs of it on their deck.
Along the back deck and all round the garden, Peter and Liz have feeders for the various animals and birdlife that visit on a regular basis. We would sit in the kitchen and watch out the bay window while the squirrels and birds fed. It was quite fun watching as the squirrels fought to get the food and they would chase each other away, running up and down the trees and across the lawn!! The bird in this collage is a Robin, who we think must have stunned itself as it was quite tame and let me go quite close up to it and take the picture. Later when I went to see where it was, it had moved and gone back into the bush. The dog in the picture is Nandi, a long haired Daschund who is getting on in years. She is normally quite a shy dog, but she took to both Dereck and I (we must be nice doggy people)!!

Not too chilly signing off .....


Desire Fourie said...

Its amazing how fast snow melts. Peter and Liz really live in a beautiful country setting. It probably feels like they are permanently on holiday in these gorgeous surroundings. Aaaah the squirrels are so cute, they are like monkeys, one could sit and watch them all day long. Lovely pic of the red robin. Hope you sneeked a squirrel into you handbag to bring back home. Hugs from Desire

Anonymous said...

Seems like you're having a great time!

Take care and lotsa love,